Monday, May 10, 2010

FLM organises Family Seminar at Kampong Gayu

The Family Life Ministry of St. Ann's Parish organised a one-day family seminar at the Chapel of St. Joseph, Kampong Gayu on 25th April, 2010 for the community from Kampong Gayu and Serumah. A total of 191 people comprised largely of couples and young adults attended the seminar. The organisers were delighted with the good attendance and interactive participation.

The session was preceded with the celebration of the Mass presided by Friar Joseph Lee OFM.

Mr. Anthony Aton, the Chairman of the Family Life Ministry informed that this was the second seminar from a series of five scheduled for the year. The first was held at Kampong Sentah on 28th February. The remaining three will be at kampong Timurang (27th June), kampong Stabut (29th August) and Kampong Payang (31st October).
Inconclusion, Mr. John Dosim, the Chairman of St. Joseph's Chapel Committe presented gifts, fruit baskets, to all the facilitators, namely, Mr. Anthony Aton, Mr. Robert Josem, Mr. Martyn Patit, Mr. Griffin Edem, Mr. Andrew Megi, Mr. Kevin Kawen ans Mr. Stephen Jawum.

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