Tuesday, August 28, 2012

St. Ann's parish organises MEE seminar for 22 couples

Kota Padawan: A total of 22 couples from the parish of St. Ann attended the Bahasa Malaysia MEE course held at St. Lukas’ Centre, Kota Padawan, from 10nd to 12th of August 2012.

The course was organised by the Family Life Ministry of St. Ann’s parish and facilitated by the Archdiocesan MEE(BM) service team led by Monsignor William Sabang.

The course concluded with Holy Mass, concelebrated with Monsignor William Sabang and Friar Gerard Victor OFM, the rector of St. Ann’s parish.

Thereafter, the participants and their family members joined in the fellowship dinner, potluck style. Also present were all the 13 MEE graduates of 2010 and several others from the earlier batches. The parish council Chairman, Mr. Sebastian Ramek and Mr. Jose Geda, the former Secretary of the council were among those present who graduated in 2010. The presence of former MEE graduates and their families truly reflected the level of friendship and cooperation among the parishioners. In the words of Friar Gerard in his brief welcoming address reminded,” We are one family; we gather, we celebrate and we pray as a family. We do everything as one family.”

Monsignor Willian Sabang reckoned that the MEE course this time, having a record high attendance, was the most successful. He said, “I am happy because the Family Life Ministry is very strong here and I thanked the Franciscans for being able to inspire and mobilise the parishioners to serve. “ He also thanked the members of the MEE (BM) team, coming from various parishes in the Archdiocese, for their generosity to make time to share their experiences and invited the other graduates to do likewise.

The highlights of the evening were cutting of cake and sharing of testimonies by the 22 couples. Mr Harries Boyd@Mathew was deeply touched by the generosity of the MEE(BM) team and Family Life Ministry members, many of whom were well advance in their 60s and early 70s, and said, “I should be the one doing some of those works; setting chairs and tables, putting on the decorations and the likes. Tonight I and my wife want to offer ourselves to join this team to do our share.” This made the outcome of the MEE course most encouraging because Mr and Mrs John Dawi, graduates of 2010, had agreed to join the MEE(BM) service team. They are also currently active members of St. Ann’s Family Life Ministry. Truly, Monsignor William Sabang’s prayer had been duly answered.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kpg Tematu hosts Family Game Day

Kota Padawan –The parishioners in Kampung Tematu under Semeba Zone, St Ann’s Parish successfully hosted the third annual Family Game Day on September 18, 2010. The event that started at 7.00 AM saw the participation of more than 250 people from five villages namely; Bumbok, Semeba, Sg. Empit, Sudad and Tematu, in the fun fill sport activities. On hand to witness the event were Friar William Lee OFM, Mr. Robert Josem, Chairman of the Parish Council, and the community leaders from the participating villages.

Mr. Michael Rawis, the Chairman of the Village Chapel Committee cum the Organising Chairman, in his welcoming speech thanked the participants and the members of the organising committee for their cooperation and contributions to make the occasion a success.

Friar William Lee OFM, representing Friar Gerard Victor OFM, Rector of St. Ann’s Parish, expressed his joy witnessing the community in sharing their gifts and enjoying wholesome family activities. He thanked the people of kampung Tematu for hosting the event.

The event concluded with fellowship and prize presentation.

In St. Ann’s Parish, the Family Game Day is organised annually at the zone level, namely; Semeba, Penrissen, Siburan, Simpok and Padawan, as a community programme to promote kinship among the family members and community in general. This is in line with the broad objectives of the pastoral focus of the family.

To encourage participation and organisational leadership, villages under each zone take turn to host the event. Since its inception in 2008 the event had been successfully organised by all the zones. Under Semaba zone, Sg. Empit will host the event next year.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

St. Ann's parish celebrates youth day

I was at kampung Tematu joining the youth of St. Ann's parish celebrating SAYD'10 for an evening of vibrant concert on July 17 and the following day for their AGM.

The Chairman of the village chapel, Mr. Michael Rawis, and his committee together with the village head and his development committee must have been working hard to provide for the necessary logistics to take care of more than 300 young people converging at the village for the weekend. I understand more than 40 families offered their assistance in housing the visiting youths. Such hospitality is most commendable and we are truely indepted to the people of Tematu.

Friar Moses Yap was present at the concert to provide spiritual guidance.

Miss Maslinda, the incumbent Chairman of PYM summed up her address beautifully when she said, "all that is good comes from God and whatever short coming, if any, is ours."

Friar Gerard Victor came the next morning to celebrate Mass and attend the AGM. In his address, Friar Gerard called on the youth to come to the fore to serve with responsibility and dedication.

He informed the youth (CYM) from all the villages to response to his letter on how to strengthen CYM. He also appealled for married young people in the villages to continue as members of CYM.

The AGM elected a new team to lead PYM for period 2010 -2013.

Chairman - Christopher Pani
Deputy Chairman - Alexander Andrew Magi
Secretary - Adeline
Assistant Secretary - Linda
Treasurer - Cyril
Assistant Treasurer - Joanna

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Many happy returns to ..

The parish councillors at their meeting on 3rd July surprised the three friars who celebrated their birthday annversaries this month with a birthday cake. Friar Joseph Lee, Friar Moses Yap and Friar William Lee respectively were born on 7th, 14th and 16th of July.

Happy birthday and God bless.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Sr Felis Ogey's Perpetual Vows

Sr. Felis Ogey from Kampong Bumbok, St. Ann's Parish took her perpetual vows at the Church of St. Peter, Padungan, Kuching on 29th May 2010 in the presence of her parents and relatives from kampong Bumbok, Tematu and Semeba.

Sr Felis is my first cousin twice removed from her mother's side.