Thursday, July 23, 2009

St Martha Kampung Garung celebrates feast day

Last Sunday, July 19, 2009, St. Martha’s Chapel, Kampung Garung, Jalan Puncak Borneo, Padawan marked a milestone of sorts, its 38th anniversary. The faithful came in full force filling up the Chapel to the delight of the rector of St. Ann’s parish, Friar Gerard Victor, OFM.

The Catholic community of Kampung Garung had every reason to be proud for from a humble beginning of only five families in 1971, the community has grown to its present number of 65 families.

Friar Gerard Victor, OFM reminded the community to emulate Saint Martha who was always mindful of the need of the family. When Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed,” he was not scolding Martha. Mary’s attention to hear what Jesus said was an example that we should emulate in seeking after Jesus. Thus, the community must support one another in their work and prayers.

Later, after the Mass, Friar Gerard Victor, OFM joined the community with the cake cutting ceremony.

At the dialogue session, Friar Gerard thanked the community for their past support of St Ann’s parish activities such as parish sale and hoped that they would continue to support all the activities organized by the parish. After the session, the community and guests joined in a fellowship meal.

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