Sunday, July 26, 2009

St Ann's feast day draws a record crowd

The feast of St Ann at mile 10, Kota Padawan, started this morning at 9.00 AM with a thanksgiving Mass, concelebrated by Archbishop John Ha, Friar Gerard Victor OFM, Friar Moses Yap OFM and Friar Joseph Lee OFM. I figured close to 3,500 faithful attended the Mass. The faithful came early and by 8.00 AM, more than half of the chairs were occupied. Together joining the celebration was a group of 34 faithful from Singapore.

At the near by St Lukas Centre, it was a hive of activities as the 86 stall operators were actively selling their products as early as 7.00 AM. As usual the members of the public from the city made an early call to patronise the stalls.
By 11.30 AM St. Lukas Centre was jammed with people as more people literally rushed there after the Mass. It was a sight to behold.

Below are some of the pictures I have taken. I will post more pictures as soon as I get them from Mr. Raymond Allas.
With children in tow, they came early

Prayer leaders renewing their vows

Let the show begin

This is the way to promote sale

Thursday, July 23, 2009

St Martha Kampung Garung celebrates feast day

Last Sunday, July 19, 2009, St. Martha’s Chapel, Kampung Garung, Jalan Puncak Borneo, Padawan marked a milestone of sorts, its 38th anniversary. The faithful came in full force filling up the Chapel to the delight of the rector of St. Ann’s parish, Friar Gerard Victor, OFM.

The Catholic community of Kampung Garung had every reason to be proud for from a humble beginning of only five families in 1971, the community has grown to its present number of 65 families.

Friar Gerard Victor, OFM reminded the community to emulate Saint Martha who was always mindful of the need of the family. When Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed,” he was not scolding Martha. Mary’s attention to hear what Jesus said was an example that we should emulate in seeking after Jesus. Thus, the community must support one another in their work and prayers.

Later, after the Mass, Friar Gerard Victor, OFM joined the community with the cake cutting ceremony.

At the dialogue session, Friar Gerard thanked the community for their past support of St Ann’s parish activities such as parish sale and hoped that they would continue to support all the activities organized by the parish. After the session, the community and guests joined in a fellowship meal.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

St Ann's Feast Day

The Parish of St. Ann, Kota Padawan will be celebrating its patron's feast day on July 26, 2009. This also marks the 41st anniversary of the parish.

In preparing for the feast day celebration, the faithful, for the first time pray the Novena to Saint Anne in the evening, beginning last Tuesday, July 14, at the Baruk.

The feastday will be celebrated with thanksgiving Mass at the Baruk at 9.00AM. We expect to see a capacity crowd of about 4,000 faithful.Due preparation to provide for the convenience of the parishioners had been put in place. This year more shelters, both temporary and permanent structures, had been erected.

Thereafter, the community will make their way to the nearby St Lukas Centre where they will join the merry-making at the the parish sale which promises to show case an array of goods from jungle produce to cooked and manufactured food and products. As usual local delicacies will draw great attention. So far a total of 79 stalls out of 80 had been booked.

Come join us at St. Ann's Parish next Sunday (July 26, 2009)

The following pictures were taken from 2008 feast day celebration
Choir group from PYM Semeba
Bidayuh lasses from Bumbok in traditional costumes
Mock Gift Coupon
Centre front-That's me
Custos Friar Michael D'Cruz, OFM
A section of the crowd at the parish sale
The crowd at St. Lukas as viewed from St. Ann
Putting my palm print on the banner. Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM and his favourite drink
A section of the crowd in front of Elizabeth Kiing's stall.

They know not what they do

I would like to believe that the two Muslim journalists were ignorant and did not realize the implication of their story in Al-Islam of May 2009. I may be wrong, naïve and forgiving but to think otherwise is not only judgmental but also making enemies unnecessarily. However, I fully agree with The Herald Malaysia and Mr. Martin Jalleh that as Catholics we must express our displeasure so that such “misadventure” would not recur. It is therefore reasonable for the Catholic Church demands an apology from the two journalists from Al Islam. If they admit that they have acted out of ignorance, then let gone be bygone. There is no need to dwell on this any further let alone demand to see them in court.
Unhappy though we are we must not over react on this incidence, albeit it not being the only one committed against the Church. Let show them our Christian way, be ready to forgive. Our Lord, Jesus Christ went through greater humiliation during the end of His earthly life. And in spite of it all, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”
Here below is the full response from The Herald Malaysia, reproduced, courtesy from Malaysia-Today.

The Herald Malaysia

CHRISTIANS have been formed in the way of God’s love as taught by Jesus Christ. There is a sense of wellbeing and mature disposition in most of the Christians who are always ready to forgive in the way of the Lord Jesus.
Jesus, in his life on earth as the revelation of God, showed the Father’s merciful love and forgave those who sinned against God and humanity. Even at the moment of his arrest by the civil and religious authorities in a lonely place where he was conversing with God the Father, Jesus corrected Peter for cutting off one of the soldier's ear. Jesus, who is merciful and loving, immediately touched and healed the soldier by attaching his chopped ear without any surgery, (see John 18:10 and Luke 22: 51)
Human history tells us that there will always be people who may be misguided by teachings that are not in accordance with the will of God. But God will always elect from among his people some prophets, who will proclaim the true teachings of God, which are experienced in our cultures as peace and love among the people.
But in Malaysia, we are developing a strange culture of “god competition”. It is like the way the children boast to one another of their father’s physical prowess or ability: “My father is great; my father can beat your father”. This is seen in the way government bodies and groups of persons violate the dignity of the human persons and defy the people’s particular laws and customs and subject them to unjust laws. Aren’t these reminiscent of our childish ways? Such attitudes or bully tactics are manifested when some of the nation’s laws are enforced inappropriately and according to the political expediency of ‘powers that be’ of the time. Such socio-political and culture behaviour goes against the common law as well as the United Nations Charter of Rights and our esteemed Federal Constitution.
Because of such blatant violations over the years, Christians are beginning to echo the words of Jesus Christ, when he said, “If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong. But if I have spoken rightly, why do you strike me?” (Jn 18:23).
And so some Christians have lodged police reports recently at the Police Stations around the country against the offensive behaviour of some Muslims who have hurt the Christians deeply. The story of this behaviour was highlighted by Al-Islam of May 2009, with the headlines; Mencari kesahihan remaja Melayu murtad, pages 28-30.
These Muslims consumed the “Holy Communion” and spat out the sacred host. They humiliated the Catholics by having it photographed and its image published in the monthly Al-Islam. This is a violation of Christians in Malaysia and challenges the nation's Federal Constitution. Is Malaysia a secure land where all religions can practice their religion in peace and tranquility? Will the police (PDRM) and AG’s chambers bring those Muslims to court? As guardians of just laws will they carry out their noble task and honour the Law of our nation Malaysia? This desecration speaks against the 1Malaysia project of the Prime Minister.
From the very beginning of the Church, the Fathers of the Church and approved theologians have addressed the Church’s serious concern that due respect be paid to the Most Blessed Sacrament, that souls not fall into the sin of sacrilege by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ unworthily.
Those Muslims who have desecrated the Sacred Host have just done that — received the Body and Blood of Christ unworthily.
This is a very serious offence to our Christian Faith, and we support the efforts of Sudhagaran Stanley and Joachim Francis Xavier for their courageous stand in highlighting this sacrilegious act of certain Muslims and we call on the Catholic Lawyers’ Society to follow this through by taking the appropriate action and ensuring that such events do not take place.
As the incident committed by those Muslims was a willful act of desecration of the Sacred Host, the Body of Christ, it is proper that we, the Catholics, make reparation for the offence committed against the Lord. It should not be seen as a single incident since there have been many such instances of this nature taking place in other churches and going unreported. Therefore, it is the duty of the parish priests of those churches where such sacrilegious acts have been committed to do the necessary acts of reparation and also forgive those Muslims and pray for them.
Let us receive the Lord worthily always.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ground Blessing for St Vincent de Paul’s Chapel at Kpg Chupak

Mr. Jirud anak Nayup seated (pic 2)

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to visit Kampung Chupak, a Bidayuh village at Mile 24, old Serian Road, famous for paddy cultivation in Kuching Division. My visit was to join the local Catholic Community for the Ground Blessing Mass and Ceremony for St Vincent de Paul’s Chapel.
The journey started at 7.30 AM from the Friary at 10th Mile and we made a short stop at Siburan Bazaar, Mile 19 where we had our breakfast. I accompanied the Rector of St. Ann’s Parish, Friar Gerard Victor, OFM and Mr. Francis Satim, the Chairman of the parish Family Life Ministry for the trip.
We arrived at the village at about 8.30AM. On hand to welcome us was Mr. Anthony Aton, the representative of the community and the person instrumental in the formation of the Catholic Community at Kampung Chupak.
Many other visitors from kampung Peraya, Kampung Sira, Kampung Simpok and other areas also came to show their support for the community at Kampung Chupak. Notable were Deacon Desmond, Catechist Emily Ayu, and Catechist Stephen Jawum.

The celebration of the Mass, the first ever for the village, was at the Village Community Hall in view of the large number of visitors. The members of the parish youth ministry from the Chapel of St Martin de Porres of Kampung Sira rendered marvelous support during the Mass with the music, commentator and readers.

In his homily, Friar Gerard Victor offered words to ponder when he said, "God gives us gifts and talents so help one another.” He expressed his gratitude to the leaders of the villages who have pledged their support in cash and kinds to help build the chapel. The villages that had pledged their support were Kampung Simpok, Kampung Peraya, Kampung Sira, Kampung Mesaan, Kampung Tijirak and Kampung Seratau. For this, he said there was reason to celebrate. He said, “Let us to-day celebrate with the community in Kampung Chupak as witness of Christ. It is indeed a happy day for the Archdiocese of Kuching.”

Immediately after the Mass, the congregation witnessed a simple but meaningful ceremony- the handing over of the land for the Chapel by the owner, Mr. Jirud anak Nayup to Friar Gerard Victor, the Rector of St. Ann’s Parish. Both parties signed and exchanged the agreement documents. After that, Mr. Richard Lubiam of Kampung Sira and Mr. Juni of kampong Simpok, as Chairman of their respective village handed over the donations to the representative of the new Chapel.

We made our way to the site of the Chapel, about 250 meters away from the Community Hall, for the ground blessing ceremony. A slight drizzle during the blessing did not trouble us in any way and for some they came well prepared with umbrellas.
After that, we went back midway towards the Community Hall, to Mr. Robert’s house, for a hearty fellowship meal. We left the village at about 12.30 PM as Mr. Francis Satim had to attend the Family Life Ministry monthly meeting at 1.00 PM.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Charity Golf Tournament - update

The Organisers informed that the tournament, scheduled to be held on 25th July, 2009 is postponed to 29th August, 2009. The change of date was unavoidable as the management had to give way for a State held function in conjunction with the Rulers Conference.

The tournament venue is the Sarawak Club Golf Resort at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kota Samarahan.

With the change of date, interested golfers could still register to participate in the tournament. Please contact Mr. Dominic Josip h/p No. 013-8019392.