Friday, April 23, 2010

A visit to Franciscan Sister's Generalate, Kuching

They said a picture paints a thousand words.

I have taken many pictures, saved in many files in the computer but never developed into hard copies. As time past I would open those files and recollect the fond memories of the occasions or events. Most times, though, I would not recall the names or when the events took place. Getting old has its setback.

So before I forget what those pictures are I better do something about them. Writing a short storyline I must.

This time though, I must thank my old dairy which I still keep.

On January 8, 2007 Friar Joseph Goh OFM, then the Rector of St. Ann's Parish, invited me to join him for a visit to the Franciscan Sister's Generalate at St. Teresa's Convent, Kuching. He said, "let visit Sr. Adriana Tiong, the recently elected Superior General for a courtesy call." I also recalled that Friar Gerard Victor OFM, Friar Moses Yap OFM were present as well, though for a separate visit. The two of them were accompanying Friar Stephen Bliss OFM, the Provincial Minister of Holy Spirit Province, Brisbane, Australia, who was on a working visit.

Sr. Adriana and the Councillors were on hand to receive us, showed us around and briefed us on her new massive responsibility not akin to her previous charge in Sibu.

As a token of an appreciation for her hospitality, Friar Joseph Goh OFM prompted me to present a picture of Saint Anne and the Blessed Mother to Sr. Adriana Tiong.

All ended well with a simple yet sumptuous lunch, courtesy of Mother General.

Pic 1. Sr. Adriana Tiong graciously accepting the souvenir

Pic 2. Beaming and proudly showing the picture to appreciative Councillors.

Pic 3. Reading the caption.Friar Joseph Goh OFM (left) and Sr. Irmina Peter (right).

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Life- in- the-Spirit Seminar (LSS) at Kampung Sira

The Faith Formation Committee of St. Ann’s Parish held a two-day LSS at Kampung Sira on 20th and 21st March, 2010 with the cooperation of the committee members of Sub-Parish, Teng Bekap and the Village Church Committee of Kampung Sira. The LSS was targeted for the community at Padawan Zone- a cluster of 13 villages.

A total of 150 people attended the Seminar and glad to note that about 40 % of the attendance was from the youth group.

The whole session was conducted in the local dialect, facilitated by a team of five leaders; Mr. Gerald Ganyat, Mr. Stephen Sundin, Mr. Paul Diring, Mr. Joseph Illbaes and Mr. Kevin Jindes. The youth ministry of Kampung Seratau enlivened the occasion with live music. On the second day, Sunday, Friar Gerard Victor OFM supported by Deacon William celebrated the Mass.

Friar Gerard congratulated the community of Padawan Zone for their participation to enrich their faith live.

In concluding the seminar, Mr. Gregory Grasie, the Chairman of Faith Formation Committee thanked the participants, the host village and all who have contributed in one way or another to make the seminar a success. He then presented token of appreciation to all the facilitators and youth ministry of Kampung Seratau.

The next LSS will be held for the 10 villages at Simpok Zone on 5th to 6th June.

Some pictures to remember the occasion.

Pic. 1. Participants tucking in for lunch.

Pic 2. Mr. Gerald reveiving a token from Mr. Gregory. Mr. Richard, KGK Chairman of Kpg. Sira

Pic. 3 Mr. Stephen Sundin

Pic. 4. Mr. Kevin Jindes
Pic. 5 Mr. Paul Diring

Pic. 6. Mr. Mathew